GiGi’s Playhouse Gala - Picture Palooza, It's a Wrap!

We appreciated all the GiGi’s Playhouse Gala attendees that “Got on the Bus” Saturday night. You were very respectful and thanked us numerous times for donating our services. We operated for over six hours, ran approx. 200 photo sessions and had over 500 people on the bus! Way to keep the bus a rock’n. A big thank you to everyone who left tips ($200) that added to GiGi’s fundraising. 

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Below are some photos and two videos of us driving down the Ballroom hallway on the way out and the best laughs I heard all night. I want to party with those ladies!

For semi-privacy purposes, all photostrips from the event are password protected, so contact me ( or GiGi's for the passcode. The photostrips can be viewed under Event Photos then enter the passcode for access.

Thanks also to all the volunteers of the GiGi’s Playhouse Gala who allowed me to donate my services, were very accommodating and seamlessly made it happen. Awesome job!! It was truly our pleasure and a rewarding experience.

Last but not least, thanks to my wife, Kerry, and my two boys, Jack & Dan, for helping me with the event.

Sincerely, Bob Kinsloe

I hope you enjoyed Bob's Photobooth Bus at the GiGi’s Playhouse Gala. We are a newer business, so do me a favor and post some good social media (Yelp most important!) reviews. This will help us book regular events and thus allow us to continue our social mission of donating to such great causes such as GiGi’s Playhouse. Thank you in advance for taking the time to submit reviews. My social media links are below.

Leaving GiGi's Playhouse - 2018 i have a voice Gala via the Ballroom hallway and freight elevator at the Stephens Center in Rosemont.
Ladies Laughing at GiGi's Playhouse Gala and then bossed out of the bus by a Brit!
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It’s All About Me, Me, Me, Me, Me.  Who the heck is the Bob behind and do you really want to know?  Anyway………

My name is Bob and I’ve been told I joke too much.  The naming of my website came from my trip to Nepal when after the first couple of days trekking to the Mt. Everest Base Camp our Sherpa Guide, Limbu, confided in my friend the following; “Bob is a nice guy but Bob Joke Too Much”.  Once he started to understand and/or tolerate my sarcasm (maybe 21 days in) we became good friends and supporters of his guide business.  So it all worked out but now my friend tends to remind me of that quote when I go too far with my satirical humor.

Anyway......I was born a poor black child of a sharecropper on the front porch of my home in the Mississippi Delta.  Not buying that?  OK, just a middle class, blue collar kid in an all-white, Irish Catholic neighborhood boarding the Southwest side of Chicago.  One of seven children raised by a normal Mom and Dad who obviously believed the Catholic Church recommendation of the Rhythm Method as an effective form of contraception.  My Wife, two boys and I live in Chicago.

Observing and experiencing life since 1963.  I have been extensively educated at Father Mulsoff Industrial School for Incorrigible Kid’s, Brother Duffin High School for Vulnerable Boys and The Institute for Applied Nonsense.  Note that even though the 1st two schools had known molesters as “teachers”, I was never once approached for molestation in spite of the fact that I was very susceptible, small, skinny and weak boy.  Due to current litigation against the Catholic Church for discrimination, that’s all I can say on the subject.

I have no qualifications for being a writer.  However, this will not stop me from publishing many of the yearly 17,000 thoughts that pop into my mind on the website and anywhere else. I will cover topics including parenting, gun control, donkeys, idiots, politics, religion, racism and any other controversial subjects I find worthy in an attempt of provoking laughs, stimulating deep thinking and/or just pissing off the politically correct with my satirical prose.  My thoughts and opinions will appear on my website and all other social media outlets no matter how much a waste of time until I die.